This is a list of all the scheduled competition and events we have at the range. Pre registration is not required. Just show up and get in on the fun. We have many "couples" that shoot together and this is a great "date night" to spend time together.
If you have never competed in any of the disciplines we have, come out and watch and see if it is something you would like to try.
Women Only Firearm Safety And Basic Pistol
Women are the fastest-growing segment of gun owners in the country. More and more women are choosing to exercise their Second Amendment rights and join in on the fun to be found in America’s gun culture.
However, the world of firearms can be confusing, with a bewildering amount of catchphrases and industry-specific terms that can seem quite fearful at times.
This class is designed to calm those fears and ease women into the fun of the shooting sports and safe and confident gun ownership.
The class consists of two parts: A short seminar on how the rules of gun safety apply inside and outside the home and instruction on the basics of marksmanship, and then instruction on how to safely apply those rules on the range and have fun (lots of fun) while doing so.
Your Instructor:
Kevin Creighton is a nationally-recognized firearms writer and instructor. Since 2013, he has been writing about the best ways for women to enjoy the benefits of American gun culture. Kevin works full-time for the NRA and holds teaching certificates from the NRA, Rangemaster and Defensive Training International.
Women Only Firearm Safety
Gear requirements
- A modern, semi-automatic pistol or revolver
- A spare magazine
- A case or holster for your pistol
- 100 rounds of practice (FMJ) ammo
- Eye protection, ear protection
- Water, bug spray, sun screen
- A hat with a brim
- Closed-toe shoes
- Open-neck blouses are STRONGLY discouraged
SCSA Steel Challenge
Sanctioned Approved Competition at Deep 50 Gun Range
We are sanctioned and approved to host all USPSA and Steel Challenge matches at our range. With each shooting discipline, the stages are set to each event and we follow the rulebook that is most current. For more information on the specific rules, please follow the links.
1.) Steel Challenge Rules
Each one of these shooting disciplines has it’s own unique characteristic. If you are new to Competition Shooting, then we always recommend starting out with The Steel Challenge shooting competition. You will stand in a box and engage 5 steel targets in what’s called a “String”. The time will stop on the last shot fired. You will do this 5 times per Stage, and your worst time will be eliminated. There are a total of 6 stages at this match and it is a fun and addicting sport.
When you are ready for some fast action after SCSA Steel Challenge, then you should move on to USPSA. You will be given instructions on how to start the stage HOWEVER, it is up to you to decide the best way to engage the targets for you or your equipment. You are scored on your speed and accuracy . This sport is a great blend of your imagination and your proficiency . Your skills will greatly improve by at least 10 times versus a trainer or just practicing.
Please pay attention to these details.
Gates open at 8:45 am.
Registration opens at 9:00 and closes at 9:45 sharp.
Our Pledge and shooters meeting at 9:50
First shots fired at 10:00 am.
More Information on Practical Shooting
More Information on SCSA