This is a list of all the scheduled competition and events we have at the range. Pre registration is not required. Just show up and get in on the fun. We have many "couples" that shoot together and this is a great "date night" to spend time together.
If you have never competed in any of the disciplines we have, come out and watch and see if it is something you would like to try.
Low Light Defensive Encounters
Nighttime and other low light situations limit our ability to spot trouble before it becomes a problem for us. This is just one of the many reasons why crooks use it to their advantage, and prey on innocent people under the cloak of darkness.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of myths around how a low light environment works for and against those who would do us harm. The vast majority of low light instruction comes from a military or law enforcement background, using techniques which may or may not be applicable to the armed citizen.
This class, however, is designed to give the armed citizen the knowledge and skills they need to come out on top of an encounter in an urban low light environment.
Topics covered will include:
- Different types of lighting environments and how they affect our vision
- Low light vs no light: Which is more common for the armed citizen?
- Gear choices for when it gets dark
- Night sights, weapon lights, lasers and red dots
- Defensive flashlight techniques
- Defensive pistol use in a low light environment
Low Light Defensive Encounters
Mandatory training requirements for this class.
- Completion of at least six hours of post-concealed carry class training
- Ability to draw a pistol from a holster and safely re-holster using one hand
- Constant and consistent application of the four rules of gun safety
Gear requirements for this class
- A modern, semi-automatic pistol in 9mm or greater caliber with or without a weapon-mounted light attached
- At least three magazines for your pistol
- A belt magazine pouch
- A secure and stable gun belt
- A safe and comfortable OWB (outside the waistband) holster for your pistol (IWB and concealed carry ONLY with instructor permission)
- A headlamp flashlight with a red lens and white light
- A bright (300 lumens or greater) tactical flashlight with a tail-mounted activation switch
- 200 rounds of FMJ ammunition
- Optional: A rifle, pistol caliber carbine or shotgun with a weapon-mounted light and 50 rounds of ammunition (rifle/PCC) or 20 rounds of birdshot (shotgun)
- Bug spray, water, range gear.
Class will be approximately 4-5 hours long and will be held at the Deep50 Gun Range.
More Training