Scheduled Calendar of Events Events 

This is a list of all the scheduled competition and events we have at the range.  Pre registration is not required. Just show up and get in on the fun.  We have many "couples" that shoot together and this is a great "date night" to spend time together.

If you have never competed in any of the disciplines we have, come out and watch and see if it is something you would like to try.

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Steel Challenge


Women Only Firearm Safety And Basic Pistol
Mar 9 @ 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Women Only Firearm Safety

Women Only Firearm Safety And Basic Pistol


Women are the fastest-growing segment of gun owners in the country. More and more women are choosing to exercise their Second Amendment rights and join in on the fun to be found in America’s gun culture.

However, the world of firearms can be confusing, with a bewildering amount of catchphrases and industry-specific terms that can seem quite fearful at times.

This class is designed to calm those fears and ease women into the fun of the shooting sports and safe and confident gun ownership.

The class consists of two parts: A short seminar on how the rules of gun safety apply inside and outside the home and instruction on the basics of marksmanship, and then instruction on how to safely apply those rules on the range and have fun (lots of fun) while doing so.

Your Instructor:

Kevin CreightonKevin Creighton is a nationally-recognized firearms writer and instructor. Since 2013, he has been writing about the best ways for women to enjoy the benefits of American gun culture. Kevin works full-time for the NRA and holds teaching certificates from the NRA, Rangemaster and Defensive Training International.

Women Only Firearm Safety


Gear requirements 

  • A modern, semi-automatic pistol or revolver
  • A spare magazine
  • A case or holster for your pistol
  • 100 rounds of practice (FMJ) ammo
  • Eye protection, ear protection
  • Water, bug spray, sun screen
  • A hat with a brim
  • Closed-toe shoes
  • Open-neck blouses are STRONGLY discouraged


March 9
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Event Categories:
Defensive SkillsFirearms TrainingPistol


Deep50 Gun Range
20201 SR 29
Naples, FL 34114 United States 
+ Google Map


Quietly Armed
[email protected]

Training At Deep 50 

Private Lessons By Shannon Smith
Apr 4 @ 9:30 am – 3:30 pm

Private Lessons By Shannon Smith

Competition Movement

I’ll be coming back to Deep 50 in April for a couple classes. Weather should be great to jump start your skills for the season.

Private Lessons


April 4, 2025 (Friday)

Unique private class opportunity. Two students max. We’ll run 10-3 or so, but being private we’ll play it by ear. Also since private I will cater the course to you and whatever you’d like to work on. I can also fast track you through both the above two days. If you struggle with swingers for example we can work on that. Cost is $400 per person. I did not set this up on Praciscore so please contact me directly; call, text or email to register.


Contact me with any questions or issues with registering. (Registration will open January 27, 2025) Big thanks to Matt for allowing me to use his awesome facility. Hope to see you in a few months!

Telephone   813-732-5249

Email   [email protected] 



More training 

Core Competition By Shannon Smith
Apr 5 @ 9:30 am – 3:30 pm

Core Competition By Shannon Smith

Core Competition

I’ll be coming back to Deep 50 in April for a couple classes. Weather should be great to jump start your skills for the season.

Core Competition


April 5, 2025

This is my Core Competition class. Focus on High Speed Execution of the Fundamentals. Great info and drills for any level or Division. Max 6 students with plenty of personalized attention. It will run 9:30 to 3:30 ish and require about 500 rounds. (Always better to bring more if you have it) Cost is $350 per person. More information and registration on Practiscore here:




More Training 

Competition Movement By Shannon Smith
Apr 6 @ 9:30 am – 3:30 pm

Competition Movement By Shannon Smith

Competition Movement

I’ll be coming back to Deep 50 in April for a couple classes. Weather should be great to jump start your skills for the season.

Competition Movement


April 6, 2025

Competition Movement class. This will focus on efficient movement in a competition environment. Max 4 students as it’s more dynamic and can’t really have a bunch of people moving at once. I still recommend 500 rounds + but this is generally less rounds as we’re not focused as much on shooting though there will still be plenty of it. Also 9:30 to 3:30 ish. More information and registration on Practiscore here:



More Training